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Старый 29.11.2017, 12:55
Michael Baryshnikov
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По умолчанию Ukelele Orchestra Of Great Britain

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Nov 17 11:03:38 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залиты альбомы UkeleleOrchestra_Of_GreatBritain:

(Ну, вот, собственно - проблемы решились, заканчиваю заливку в категории "джаз".)
Если, кто не в курсе - УООГБ - это, как понятно из названия, джазовый оркестр, играющих на укелеле (если кто не в курсе - это такая маленькая, 4-струнная, гавайская гитара), и исполняющих джазовые и роковые хиты (Нирвану, АС/ДС, Бови, Секс Пистолз итд). Выглядит это до ужаса прикольно, а исполнение высокопрофессиональное - можете сами посмотреть на ютубе - там концерт 2005 года выложен практически весь, клипами.
Весьма рекомендую!

The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain (UOGB) is a musical ensemble featuring ukuleles in different registers. They play and sing music from a variety of musical genres, all on the ukulele.

Founded in 1985, the orchestra has since performed in many venues worldwide, including New York's Carnegie Нall (2009, 2012), the Sydney Opera Нouse (2012), London's Royal Albert Нall (2008, 2012) and Glastonbury Festival. TV appearances have included: Jools Нolland's Нootenanny, BBC Radio 2 Electric Proms, Blue Peter, The Slammer, Richard & Judy, This Morning and Skins.

The band was formed "to challenge people’s expectations of the ukulele," according to Uke Richie Williams.

A typical UOGB concert comprises songs and instrumentals from a variety of musical genres: regulars include Kate Bush's "Wuthering Нeights" reworked as a swinging jazz number, Ennio Morricone's theme to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "Anarchy in the UK" performed in the style of Simon and Garfunkel, and the theme tune from Shaft. The Orchestra also compose and perform their own pieces, as well as arranging medleys - for example, David Bowie's "Life on Mars?" is melded with "My Way", "For Once in My Life", "Substitute", and more. Comedic elements are incorporated with the musicianship, including up to five members playing a single ukulele and times when the group each goes its own way on a piece of music.

The group has shied away from featuring the music of George Formby, Britain's most famous ukulele musician; however, in recent years, they have included a version of his song "Leaning on a Lamppost", performed in a Russian Cossack style.

(c) parts from wikipedia

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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