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Старый 16.11.2016, 17:34
Michael Baryshnikov
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По умолчанию L'Infonie

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Nov 16 16:03:52 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залиты альбомы L'Infonie:

L'Infonie - это такая квебекская (Канада) рок-коммуна. Они устраивали рок-представления в стиле "экстремальный авангард" в 60-70-е годы и, в конечном счёте, стали катализатором, благодаря которому образовалась квебекская школа прогрессив-рока.
В их музыке сочетаются джаз, рок, поп, шансон, камерный рок, рок-авангард, какофония и, конечно же, каждый их концерт и диск - это полновесное театральное представление. Это нужно помнить тем, кто захочет их послушать - без знания французского языка их хэппенинг будет звучать для вас, как, например, представление квачей для тех же французов, то есть - "вроде клёво, но ничего не понятно"!
Рекомендую, но с учётом приведенного выше.

(c) L' Infonie biography, PA

L'INFONIE were born as a Quebecois versatile rock commune in 1967 around the initiator Raoul DUGUAY and the musical chief Walter BOUDREAU, just along the Québécois "multidisciplinary" music scene in those days. Quite in the vein of late-60s concentrated music essence, mixed with pop, jazz, and classic, they recorded their first creation "Vol. 3" (currently released as an eponymous one) at Andre Perry Studio and released in 1969.

Amazingly, their soundscape had been altered moment by moment - obvious jazz rock / fusion movement and a talented American musician Terry Riley could exert pretty influence upon their second work "Vol. 33 (Mantra)", featuring a sole suite "Mantra" based upon Terry's landmark piece "In C".

Finally L'INFONIE breathed new life into Quebecois progressive rock world with their third double-album "Vol. 333" released in 1972, mainly structured with more experimental / magnificent suite "Paix" occupying the entire first LP as 50 pieces of composition (plus prelude). They could stand at their peak with this stuff, that might let Raoul leave away for his solo career as a poet / author / songwriter soon thereafter, as a result.

Without Raoul, Walter must complete "Paix" project as their fourth (and the last) production named "Vol. 3333" in 1974 - the moment L'INFONIE bade farewell to the world regretfully.

Later "Vol. 3 (L'infonie)" and "Vol. 333" both have been re-released as digitally downloadable material all around the world.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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