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Старый 17.08.2016, 16:39
Andrey Lappo
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Trailblazer

Andrey Lappo написал(а) к All в Mar 16 23:00:18 по местному времени:

Trailblazer - любопытный мод оружия для первых Doom-ов. С полным Brutal Doom этот мод не совместим, но с урезанным на оружие - вполне.

> If you've read the previous topic, you know what the general idea of TB is already. If you haven't, you can check it out here. In a nutshell, it's about shooting-smoking-reloading-blazing fast with enough time to pick up milk from the grocer. And maybe some hot babes along the way. (Disclaimer: contains no milk or hot babes.)
> You take the role of Malcolm Striker - a former member of Earth's special forces that main job was to obviously save the Earth on daily basis. A loner and a mercenary now, who's only purpose is to find and finish off his dreaded nemesis - Vladimir Vladimir, a one-man factory of lust for world domination. Нis shadowy presence is ever pervasive, and despite all of these ugly things getting in your way and giving you a reason to expend shotgun shells in some as ugly faces, such as invasion from outer dimension, caused by accident thanks to UAC, for which sure as 'Нell' V.V. is responsible for - perhaps one day you will finally face him upon the field of battle to avenge his lost love and the tragic refrigerator accident. Where that damned villain could be now, anyway?
> To sum up - an epicly lame tale of an 80s action movie hero, with even more explosions and speed than your body has room for. Everything hand-crafted by DoomNukem and yours truly, with some extra help from KeksDose and Zhs2, for you all! Awesome, right?!
> Aaaalright... It's all cool beans and such, but some of you surely wonder why it took so much bloody time, considering that at first glance, not much has change since last video depicting it, if you guys somehow remember it. Well, if not for tons of behind-the-doors bugfixes and changes, and adding plethora of missing stuff, that is! Lemme explain the story in this spoiler right below. If you are new to this, and couldn't care less - ignore it, and keep going.

Скачать только сабж -
Его же + совместимый с ним ClearBrutalv20-feb10-v2.pk3 -

Andrey Lappo
--- wfido
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