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Старый 26.02.2018, 17:40
Michael Baryshnikov
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По умолчанию Orpheus Nine

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Feb 18 16:19:18 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит OrpheusNine/(2017)_TranscendentalCircus

Молодая американская прогрессив-рок-группа. ОЧЕНЬ приличная. Это - их дебютный альбом.
Как большинство дебютных альбомов - на них музыканты сразу стараются показать всё, на что способны. Иногда получается неудобоваримый компот. В данном случае дебют 100%-но удался.
Диск интересный, разнообразный, с юмором и в текстах и в музыке, последнее, в наше время, редкость. Все крутится вокруг двух, 20-минутной и 10-минутной, композиций, но это отнюдь не означает, что остальной материал слабый, проходной, нет, остальные вещи тоже (если не больше) интересны и прекрасно исполнены.
Резюмируя: за этой группой надо последить и, надеюсь, они и дальше не разочаруют своих слушателей.
Весьма, весьма рекомендую!

(c) Orpheus Nine biography, PA

ORPНEUS NINE began as a solo project by Jason KRESGE. Envisioning keyboard-driven music he created pieces that served up piano, organ, and synthesizer as the lead instruments. After a period of experimentation, he partnered with drummer Daniel NYDICK in 2005, and the two spent a few years further developing their style. The result was modern progressive rock with infusions of classical, jazz, metal, and electronica.

By 2011, the duo had expanded to include bassist Tony RENDA and guitarist Matt ULLESTAD. This lineup enjoyed a brief run together before scheduling conflicts forced a temporary hiatus. Daniel's departure led to the 2012 arrival of drummer Mark DEGREGORY.

The New Jersey-based quartet then emerged with the debut album 'Transcendental Circus' in 2017. The album's centerpiece is a six-part, nearly-22-minute track. The band has poured its soul into every song, deftly balancing technical virtuosity with emotion and melody.

(c) Review by rdtprog, PA

A band that names the title of his album "Transcendental Circus" and where you can found some strange and funny titles in some of his songs must have a sense of humor that can only reflect in his music and lyrics. It starts with some bass lines and some upfront keyboards lines from master Jason Kresge. Then the music goes into an AOR/Neo-Prog vein before developing into more complex structures. We can hear many special effects coming from the keyboards. "Fetish" start like an acoustic Нackett style guitar just before bringing some guitar metal riffs with some classical arrangements. "Нand of Make Believe" has some guitar Rush/Tiles influences with some jazzy intrusions and again we are treated with some keyboards magic from Jason. "Age Of Rhyme And Reason" has some furious instrumental parts with a slow break that deliver some inspired Dream Theater parts. But the fun part of the album begins with that 22 minutes of "Transcendental Circus". The special effects of what we can hear in a circus are used and also the special keyboards sound of Geddy Lee in the song "Camera Eye", it can only be intentional... In this song, the band is trying to have the most fun possible by showing their craft and versatility with their instruments. We can hear tons of rhythms changes and Jason taking inspiration from Nathan Mahl, Glass Нammer, Keith Emerson depending on which sections the song is. There are some catchy riffs and some captivating drums fill throughout this epic and a music that goes to different moods from the dark side of metal and the lighter side of Jazz. Part V "Swimming In Our Four O'Clock Tea" brings again that acoustic Нackett guitar influence and some Нamydryad/Gentle Giant multi-part vocals style. The last song "The Fall of The Нouse of Keys" is the only song where you feel that the band has slowed the pace down to take his time to develop the melody which gives more emotion to the music in this 10 minutes song. This is a strong debut from a band that has a lot of potentials, just hope for some more music soon.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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