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Старый 06.11.2017, 23:55
Michael Baryshnikov
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По умолчанию Blue Ship

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Nov 17 21:42:32 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит BlueShip/(2014)_Executioner'sLover

Новое имя на сервере - шотландский барок-рок/авангардный ансамбль.
Это их дебютный альбом.
Альбом состоит из двух частей:
Первая - это набор совершенно замечательных композиций в стиле "куртуазный манеризм" а-ля Спаркс.
Вторая - это четырёх-частная сюита Executioner's Lover для струнного ансамбля.
Вот её тем, кто не любит струнные квартеты/квинтеты и прочие -теты, будет слушать тяжеловато. Музыка серьёзная и к року отношения не имеющая.

(c) The Blue Ship biography, PA

Also known as TНE STRANGE BROTНERНOOD OF TНE BLUE SНIP. This Scottish band has been a though case. Finding a specific genre for their music is not an easy job. The band name is inspired to the ships that were carrying out the mads in the Reanaissance era. With only one album released in 2013, on their Facebook page they define themselves as Too atonal for pop, too catchy for the avant-guarde, too vulgar for the classical elite, too highbrow for punks, too intelligent for idiots, too idiotic for intellectuals, the Blue Ship defies classification, belief and YOU!.

The Bassisst Simon COTTRELL, plays with the SCRUFFS and the drummer Stu BROWN played in the Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra. All the other band members, including the mastermind Paul NAPIER don't have other known experiences.

(c) Review by DamoXt7942, PA

A UK act The BLUE SНIP are one of promising chamber rock projects that launch cynical melodies and sorta epoch-making sound literacy. Sounds like they have various musically theoretical insights and techniques but do not stick to one genre nor one style but explore musical variation and diversity. Their debut (and only one so far) album "The Executioner's Lover" is fastidious one with distorted melody sweep, eccentric string stream, and decent pop essence. We can say that the soundscape of the album itself is light but plenty of complex kinds of flavour beneath their world, can't we?

Like a circus show, a pierrot le fou (maybe the frontman / vocalist Paul) keeps dancing in front of the audience, and some performers (especially two violinists Aaron and Daniel) play skillfully but weirdly, behind the master. The show is our pleasure indeed, and no tragic moment around them, but sadly looks like the creation's body might be too light for every progressive rock fan to accept enthusiastically. Their chamber sensitivity reminds me of the same vein like Lunapark Ensemble (no folksy texture in The BLUE SНIP though). This album could appeal to every genre fan but at the same time could not be so acceptable for him/her ... a tough stuff but this could be called as progressive, let me say.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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