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Старый 03.05.2017, 22:02
Michael Baryshnikov
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По умолчанию David & David

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в May 17 20:46:42 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит DavidAnd_David/(1986)Boomtown

Дэид Бэрвальд и Дэвид Рикеттс стали знамениты, как часть поддерживающей группы Шерил Кроу, однако, за пяток лет до этого, они выпустили совместный диск "Бумтаун". Альбом посвящен темным сторонам современного города и его ночной жизни.
Больше всего, по стилистике, они ближе к Стили Дэн.
Очень красивая и интересная музыка и замечательная лирика!
К сожалению, в то время альбом большого успеха не имел, и они пошли пахать на Шерил.

David + David - Boomtown (1986)

Studio musicians and sometime producers David Baerwald and David Ricketts would find real, if fleeting, fame in 1993 as part of Sheryl Crow’s Tuesday Night Music Club band. But that was a world away from the pair’s collaboration Boomtown, released six years earlier.

A bleak reading of America’s underclass in the depths of the Reagan era, this was a collection of vignettes of lives full of wrong turnings, of dead-end jobs, of drink and drugs. First single Welcome To The Boomtown began with the desperate howl of Ricketts’ guitar, before Baerwald dispatched his bitterly ironic lyric about a high-living drug addict and her lowlife dealer: ‘Pick a habit, we got plenty to go around,’ he sang over a thrumming pop-rock hook that date-stamped it to the mid-80s. Both unnerving and eminently hummable, it gave the duo a US Top 40 hit. The album followed it to No.39.

The success was short-lived. Ricketts was apparently put off the hard rock fans they were attacting, and they disbanded before the album caught its second wind. Sheryl Crow beckoned, ensuring neither David would get this bloody again.

(c) Philip Wilding

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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