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Старый 11.01.2018, 15:55
Michael Baryshnikov
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По умолчанию Cirkus (CAN)

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Jan 18 13:55:16 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит Cirkus(CAN)/(2017)_WildDogs

Ещё один Цирк, на этот раз - канадский.
Морлодой прогрессив-рок-коллектив из Квебека - провинции, за многие годы зарекомендовавшей себя центром канадской школы прогрессива.
Это - их дебютный альбом.
Ну, в общем, группа заявила о себе, как о славных продолжателях старо-английской школы прогрессив-рока. Если не слушать вокал, то на ум сразу приходят Генезис, Йес, Пинк Флойд, Кинг Кримсон, Мариллион. Больше всего, конечно, Генезис. Вокал - не самое сильное место, но это и как раз хорошо.
Ждём продолжения.

Cirkus biography
Founded in Trois Rivières, Quebec, Canada in 2015

CIRKUS is Alain PROULX (bass, keys, drums, vocals) who has also written, composed and arranged the songs with the contribution of Serge DOUCET for guitar arrangements and C.LUCAS PROULX for vocal arrangements. Alain is a producer of music since the late 70's and has made some soundtrack music. This double concept album "Wild Dogs" contains old songs from that period plus more recent songs. This album was made with their own recording gear, the band chooses to be in a perpetual creation mode. To do that they had to make a compromise on the sound quality for the music which is not the same as the one you can find in a standard professional recording studio. CIRKUS is also a multimedia show where music, projections, lighting, and scenery will contribute to build an experience for the senses.

The music is taking the symphonic Prog Rock 70's sound adding exotic rhythms, classical and musical comedy music. You can hear influences from GENESIS and MICK OLDFIELD. This double concept album about the battle of two dogs one evil and one good contains long epics with plenty of different atmospheres and moods to make it a 2 hours and twenty minutes journey.

(c) rdtprog, PA

(c) Review by Warthur, PA

Though if I had to guess I'd say Cirkus took their name from the King Crimson song of the same name, their debut album isn't especially Crimsony - I'd say it more resembles Genesis-esque material with perhaps a pinch of some of the cheesier neo-prog bands like Galadriel or Pendragon. It's a product of home recording, and whilst in some respects the sound quality is pretty good there are points where the mix gets rather muddled - the vocals are, frankly, not the group's strong point at the best of time, but there are points where they get entirely confused and obscured due to insufficient separation from the instruments, for instance.

It's not terrible, and in some ways it's admirable that their ambitions outstrip their resources to this extent - it means that should they get a shot with more polished studio equipment they might be able to produce something superior. At the same time, two hours and 20 minutes of this stuff is outright excessive; had they trimmed this to the absolute top 40 minutes or so of music, it'd be fresher for it.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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