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Старый 13.10.2016, 16:01
Michael Baryshnikov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Arco Iris

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Oct 16 14:30:10 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залиты диски Arco_Iris:

Легендарная аргентинская прогрессив-рок-группа.
Первый альбом напоминает совецкие ВИА тех же времён, но уже с Судамерики (а это - типа рок-опера, хотя я бы назвал её рок-сюитой), все становится на свои места. Это - прог.
Раньше я рекомендовал начинать с Судамерики, теперь, пожалуй, предложу с Люцента 5.
Радуга - диск коммерческий, расчитанный на американскую аудиторию.
Хой - концертник, все вещи "проверенные временем", старые. Аккуратно, хорошо, но не супер.

Sudaerica O El Regreso A La Aurora
Arco Iris
Jazz Rock/Fusion, 1972
(c) Review by Magnum Vaeltaja, PA

Нow an album this incredible can be so largely under the radar on this site is a bit perplexing. What Arco Iris produced with this album is nothing short of astounding; 100 minutes of intricately woven, diverse, moving music that shapes a cohesive and adventurous narrative, and in 1972 in Argentina, no less!

"Sudamerica" is a rock opera telling the mythological tale of a young man named Nahuel, who is commissioned by divinity to travel around the continent with various companions, and all of the adventures that ensue. But what makes the album so effective is that, unlike many of the rock operas and concept albums being made back in the UK at the time, the album doesn't lose any of its power when you don't follow the lyrics. As a non-Spanish speaker, all that I know about the narrative comes from reading synopses online. What I do know, though, is that this album is every bit of an instrumental marvel as it is a lyrical one. An eclectic brew of jazz, psychedelic rock, Andean folk and other ethnic South American musical styles, "Sudamerica" offers a unique, transporting listening experience that stays fresh, dynamic, engaging and vibrant the whole way through to the final notes.

Certainly an album to be on the lookout for, a timeless, progressive gem. The fact that this kind of album, so very unique and full of identity, exists is what makes me love prog.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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