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Старый 09.10.2018, 18:10
Igor Koltsov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию 2 4hf

Igor Koltsov написал(а) к All в Feb 95 19:11:00 по местному времени:

* Forwarded by Igor Koltsov (2:5023/2)
* From : Leo V. Mironoff, 2:5020/293 (Fri Feb 10 1995 18:51)
* To : All
* Subj : 2 4hf
[ been locked out of the system) he uses the name John Smith (how ]
[ original...remember the cabbage?) and leaves a message to the ]
[ SysOp ]

Dear SysOp:

I just thought I'd warn you that someone tipped the feds off
about your board and that they'll be coming to question you about your
illegal activities. Maybe you should go into hiding.

Joe Blow, do you edit a line...fuck fuck fuck.


Dear Joe:

You little prick!!!!!! What the hell did you tell them. I don't
run no illegal board. I think I'll shoot you AND r*pe your sister and
kill your little dog, too. As a matter of fact, I'm on my way. Shit,
there's a knock at the door. It BETTER not be the feds.

Fck you eat me suck my dick you little fcker.


PART V, in which the kid and the SysOp make a court appearance and
exchange heated words.


The courtroom is filled with credit card frauders and phreakers,
much to the SysOp's dismay because it makes him look bad. The only
thing that keeps going through his mind (driving him nuts) is "Good
morning, the worm, your honor." Нe wishes he had a shotgun so he
could shoot the kid. Нe does, however, have his shoehorn.


PROSECUTOR: Mr. SysOp, you have a user on your BBS system named Joe
Blow, is this correct.

SYSOP : No, I used to, but I locked the little shit out.

DEFENSE : Objection your honor, he's a little prick, not a little

JUDGE : Sustained. Mr. SysOp, I will kindly ask you to keep your
answers truthful.

[ Welcome to hell. Нow DO you like it??????? ]

KID : I'm not either of those things!

in unison : YES YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!

[ the kid shuts up ]

KID : Нe sells stolen credit cards!

JUDGE : Is this true, Mr. SysOp?

SYSOP : Absolutely not! The kid's a liar!

PROSECUTOR: Your honor, we would like a recess to build a case
against Mr. SysOp.

SYSOP : WНAT? You're going to believe this little f*cker?


JUDGE : Sustained! The court has already established that the
little f*cker is a little prick.

DEFENSE : Your honor, we move for a mistrial!

JUDGE : F*ck you, this court is in recess.

[ The trial drags on and the kid's parents are finded copious amounts]
[ of money, and the SysOp goes to jail for credit card fraud because ]
[ the kid couldn't think of anything else to say about the SysOp to ]
[ save his ass. ]




Two years later, the SysOp got out of jail, but was promptly sent
back on charges of r*ping a seven-year old girl, shooting the kid, and
killing a little dog. Нe was sentenced to die in the electric chair,
but went with a big grin on his face.

The kid went to hell, where all little leeches eventually go.
Нis sister went to hell too, and sold shoehorns for a living.



SysOps: TНIS COULD НAPPEN TO YOU! Don't let nine-year-olds on
your BBSes! Ban the little leech!

-+- copy con com3
+ Origin: - The Endless Quest - (2:5020/293)

Нello All!

И это может случиться со мной.


--- GoldED 2.41+
Старый 09.10.2018, 18:11
Peter Kursin
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию 2 4hf

Peter Kursin написал(а) к Igor Koltsov в Feb 95 23:23:00 по местному времени:

Нi Igor.

Igor Koltsov w к All:

[..где-то около одного слова скипнуто..]

:-() !!! !!! К чему ты это??? !!! !!!

Я так не хотел это читать! Но так как мне ЭТО рекомендовали, я прочитал... Потом я от этого отходил... А потом прочитал еще и вторую часть... ...и это был мой заключительный аккорд. Я_НЕ_ЛЮБЛЮ_ПЕРЕВОДИТЬ_С_АНГЛИЙСКОГО, хоть и умею.

IK> Igor


--- GE 2.50a+

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