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Старый 18.02.2017, 12:42
Michael Baryshnikov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Bootcut

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Feb 17 11:23:21 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залиты альбомы Bootcut:

Буткат - это сайд-проджект клавишника групы Бердфиш - Рикарда Съёблома.
Чистый инструментал, с доминирующим Хаммондом. ОЧЕНЬ доминирующим... Короче говоря, любители Хаммонда получат его в полном объёме и во всех вариантах - джазовом, фанковом, блюзовом, роковом итд.
Первый диск полностью отвечает своему названию: постоянное соперничество ударных и органа.
Второй альбом, как бы, более юморной, более разнообразный по стилистике и лучше сбалансированный.

(c) Bootcut biography, PA

Rikard Sjoblom is mainly known for his role as founder, keyboardist, guitarist and singer of Swedish proggers Beardfish. With Bootcut, the man found himself a side project with a slightly different angle. Together with drummer and percussionist Petter Diamant he creates a unique sound of organ and drums, with an occasional keyboard or synthesizer to fill the blanks. The result is best described by what Sjoblom writes on his web site: "It's rock, it's jazz, it's funk, mixed up with whatever feels right at the moment (the moment can sometimes provide stupid circus-music)."

The duo recorded their first album "Нammond vs. Drums" in 2002, but only released it on Gadfly records in 2005, followed a year late by the independent release "De Fluff" - which was also already recorded two years earlier, in 2004. The liner notes to the latter announce it as "the first of two albums awaiting release".

A must-listen for those who love the sound of the Нammond B3, and all those who are interested in something different, with a jazzy influence.

De Fluff
Eclectic Prog, 2006
(c) Review by b_olariu, PA

This band from Sweden named Bootcut formed by Beardfish keybordist and singer Rikard Sjoblom helped by a bunch of musicians with quite high skills. Bootcut released so far two albums, the latest being their best so far. De Fluff is the name of the release issued in 2006. This is keyboard orientated prog, with a slightly jazzy feel. The entire album is quite accesible in sound, but has plenty of tricks in instrumental sections, the hammond is present and in combination with the drums and guitar in places and even sax are quite enjoyble most of the time. The music is groovy and has that jazzy atmosphere, the pieces are kinda short all are under 6 min, but all are energic and well played. All in all a decent album towards great in places, I do prefer this band Bootcut more then anything Beardfish released over the years. Very fine booklet and all package. A little known band who gone under the radar of prog collectors.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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