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Старый 15.11.2021, 19:02
Michael Baryshnikov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Accept (JAP)

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Nov 21 17:42:49 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит Accept(JAP)/(2021)Apogee

Новое имя - Акцепт, но только из Японии. Это - их шестой альбом, предыдущие пять я не слышал, есличо.
Акцепт - это фактически группа одного человека - сессионного музыканта Хисао, который играет на диске практически все инструменты и поёт.
По музыке - это Йес периода возрождения - АБВХ, Юнион итд.
То есть - всё сложно, интересно и красиво. Надо послушать ещё, другие альбомы.

(c) Accept biography, PA
Founded in 2007

Japanese artist ACCEPT is basically the solo project of multi-instrumentalist and composer Нisao, who has created music inspired by a life-long fascination for British progressive rock of the symphonic variety.

Featuring lyrics inspired by the theories of psychologist C. G. Jung the first album by Accept, Silver Moon, was issued in 2007. A sophomore effort has been planned for release in October 2009.

A little-known group that deserves more clarity and recognition, especially in this year 2021 when 2 important albums are released, the YES and the FRAGILE which was once a tribute band of the great YES.

An album full of various synths that smells of the sound of the 70's with obvious reminiscences of Wakeman's keyboards, of the complex atmospheres of his illustrious father. Smaller pieces also which show the instrumental quality of НISAO and two big pieces at the end of the album which start with sounds heard, but which we never tire of. Apart from that, the atmosphere leaves the rest of the time on neo between the two decades, vintage on one side and more worked on the other, giving a very successful musical atmosphere.

In short, an album not to be underestimated which can at times do as well as the two groups mentioned above, up to you.

(c) alainPP, PA

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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