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Старый 20.10.2019, 23:13
Boris Paleev
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По умолчанию Новозеландским солдатам разрешили использовать косметику и накладные ре

Boris Paleev написал(а) к All в Oct 19 21:32:20 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Новозеландским солдатам разрешили использовать косметику и накладные ресницы

Nyka Сегодня 19:04

Силы обороны Новой Зеландии разрешили своим военнослужащим, включая мужчин, использовать косметику и накладные ресницы. Как сообщает Daily Mail, обновлённые правила уже утверждены властями.

По словам контр-адмирала Дэвида Проктора, военное руководство страны намерено продемонстрировать, что не видит различий между мужчинами и женщинами в плане внешнего вида и гигиены. Военным разрешат носить также красить ногти прозрачным и светлым лаком, а также носить макияж, который выглядит не слишком вызывающе.

"Королевский флот Новой Зеландии - современная и профессиональная организация, которая уважает личность и самовыражение", - сказал он.

Правила вступают в силу с 1 ноября.

>> Нет, это не с сатирического сайта, это реальная новость. s-will-allow-male-navy-personnel-to-wear-make-up-false-eyelashes.html

New gender-neutral guidelines will allow male Navy personnel to wear makeup, false eyelashes
Lana Andelane

The New Zealand Defence Force will be updating its grooming and appearance guidelines to reflect a more gender-neutral attitude for the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN), meaning male personnel can wear makeup and nail polish if they wish to do so.

Newshub received information from a Navy insider last week that the RNZN will implement a more inclusive set of appearance and grooming regulations.

Chief of Navy Rear Admiral David Proctor confirmed the changes in a statement to Newshub on Friday.
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"The NZDF can confirm that as of November 1, 2019, guidelines around grooming and appearance for Royal New Zealand Navy personnel will be updated," said Proctor.

"These updates are to reflect that the RNZN make no distinction between male and female members in terms of their personal grooming and appearance.

"These changes reflect that diversity and inclusion are critical to our success as an organisation, as are the unique traditions and characteristics of the RNZN."

Proctor said the RNZN's grooming standards are based on neatness, cleanliness, safety and military image.

The updated regulations mean as of November 1, all Navy personnel are permitted to wear discreet makeup, clear or pale nail varnish when in uniform, "trimmed, neat and natural" false eyelashes, one pair of "natural coloured" stud or sleeper earrings and perfume or cologne in moderation. Rings may be worn on a maximum of two fingers.

Navy personnel are also allowed to use natural-coloured hair dye or have their hair "lightly tipped", as long as it's clean and neatly groomed. Long hair is also permitted in a bun or single plait to ensure safety and tidiness.

The appearance guidelines still prohibit body piercings, "exaggerated hairstyles" (partially shaved heads, mohawks, undercuts and "zigzagging of hair" included) and hair accessories.

"These standards are designed to present an inclusive, professional military image," said Proctor.

"The RNZN is a modern and professional organisation that embraces individuality and personality.

"Нowever, we are a military organisation and with that comes certain expectations on our personnel in terms of dress and appearance."


Best regards, Boris

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