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Старый 11.12.2016, 14:40
Michael Baryshnikov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Taipuva Luotisuora

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Dec 16 13:24:10 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит Нit3201/aaupload/TaipuvaLuotisuora/(2013)8

Новое имя у нас на сервере - (как понятно из названия) финская спейс/фьюджн/хард-рок-группа. Вот, собственно, этими словами полностью и описал их музыку.
Все очень здорово - интересно, технично и изобретательно. Пожалуй, ещё их поищу-послушаю.

TAIPUVA LUOTISUORA (Bending Plumb-Line) was founded in year 2002 in the city of Rauma at Finland. Their music have both space-rock and folk music elements, having some similarities with bands like НIDRIA SPACEFOLK and OZRIC TENTACLES. The main players of the group are Ville Eriksson (gtr), Esko Grundström (kb, strings, woods etc.), Juha Eriksson (bs), Tatu Laurila (dr) and Taneli Korpinen (perc). Also Johanna Erikkson (flute) and Otto Grundstrom (vc) visit their albums. In addition of their first demo CD they have released albums "Planetaariset Ilmanpainevyohykkeet " (Planetary Atmospheric Pressure Zones), "I" and "II".

(c) Eetu Pellonpaa, PA

Maybe their heaviest album up to date. They really go all the way on this album, incorporating fusion, metal, progrock, spacerock and world music.

The emphasis of Taipuva was and will always be rhythm and athmosphere. The only solos you can expect are synthsolos, on this album there are even more guitarsolos, but again the emphasis is musical interplay. There's even a lot organ on this album. The rhythm changes are unheard of although their album IV has more difficult fusion-like parts, this album also has some really interesting and difficult rhythmparts. More rock/metal than before, but not too much.

The production is better and phatter than before. The songs really build and build and have quite moments, real dynamic sections and heavy explosions. But never losing track, Always great melodies and nice riffing. The band drew influences from bands like Camel, King Crimson, Gong, Ozric Tentacles and on this album even Tool. But the band is really unique in what they do. I can't think of any band that does what they do.

I can really recommend this album to anyone, who wants to hear really skilled musicians going at it.

(c) Kingsnake, PA

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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